Friday, October 17, 2008

General Elective Module

Thou shalt not look down on 10hrs of sch.

I had nv had an 8am to 6pm day. In 3 yrs, not a single time. Thus, I suppose I overestimated my mental capacity to absorb or even stay awake throughout this stretch.. Arggh! And to think I hv 14 more wks of these schedule to follow. Grrrr.....

But still, GEMs was fun. :) For the first time in 3 yrs, I took something for the fun of it. Cause for sure, Love and Relationships isn't gonna be beneficial to my job prospects in any way. But my choices were down to tt and Digital Photography so dumdeedumdum. :P

Anyway, back to my GEMs (which Jessica heavily promoted), I got her same teacher, Suki Tong! So lets just say, I started with high expectations. Hee. I mean how boring can learning abt guys be? Vice versa for them. :D

Though this is the first time I had to go for GEMs without kaki (last GEM somemore), I hv a feeling, it will really be awesome. In a serious, I am not joking sorta way. In today's class we had to play some games to teach communication and trust (aspects of a long and loving relationship) before the girls and guys were seperated and told to write down what we thought the opposite sex looked for in generic and relationship terms.

One of the most prominent thing the girls wrote in CAPS and bold and underlined and whatevernot, was SEX. To some, men and sex come together like shoes and shoelaces! Fine, not a v apt description but still, it isssssssssssssss a known fact. Of course guys are interested in cars and gadgets too lah. They are not that shallow.

Suki: Guys, do you agree to what the girls listed?
Guys: *silence*
Suki: So does this mean you agree 100%????
Guy A: No. The sex part is wrong.
Suki: Ahhh... This is going to be controversial. I likeeee.
Guy A: The girls forgot to put "free" in front of sex.

Dots. 0_o" Men really know how to shoot themselves don't you think?

And they are in denial too! For they claim "ego" is the root of self-confidence. Bahx.

Then came the guys turn to present their list. More prominent pointers I rmbred were...
  1. Girls love sex in a make babies and start family way.
  2. Only guys with 5 Cs make gd boyfriends.
  3. Girls are petty.
  4. Girls buy too much clothes and shoes and cute stuff.
  5. Girls love crying.
  6. Girls like to disagree with what guys say.
  7. Girls want ME!

Okay, the 7th point was a joke cracked by the presenter. :P Likewise came our turn to rebut the male beliefs. Points 2 to 5 created much uproar and rejections which the witty presenter took the opportunity to highlight point 6 much to the teacher's amusement.

Now comes the highlight! ^^

Girl A disagreed on point 2. In quite a loud voice, she said: "For me, I don't expect a car or credit card or condom." She probably meant "condo" but the guys literally rolled around in laughter shouting stuff like she just proved point 1. *faints*

You tell me lah, this type of class how to not fun? Lol.


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